Mar. 2020, Issue 2

The Chic Herald

The Silton Faxionistas Monthly E-Newsletter

Fashion news
inside this issue:

Explaining the catwalk - 3

Overhauling your look

Tanith Willard - Newsletter Editor

Delivering newsletters through email is one of the best ways to build a strong relationship with your members and customers. Give them exclusive access to your latest collections, services, and limited offers while simultaneously improving the visibility of your brand. No need to limit yourself to brochures or billboards. With a simple click, clients can be up-to-date on your newest and biggest releases at home, work, and even while traveling.

Email newsletters can also help you grow your company. After all, it only takes a few seconds for relevant information to reach your clients. That's why it's important to have engaging content that will keep them subscribed for years to come. Add your logos, photos, and other brand materials to make sure everything is clean and consistent.